
Posted 4 days ago by Chloe

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Un Solved

The coloring is not working for me or my friends, when I go to color something that uses multi coloring it does not work, I have multi coloring on to my knowledge, for example the pumpkin, you used to be able to color it but now I am unable to color it. This is difficult since I am a builder so please fix it as soon as possible 

13 Votes


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Steven Zachary posted 1 day ago Admin

Hey all!

We are actively looking into this bug with the intention of having a resolution as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience!

1 Votes


girl posted 1 day ago

please help i cant colour anything and my sister hasnt been able for a week

0 Votes


Steven Zachary posted 2 days ago Admin

Hey all!

We are currently aware of this issue and thoroughly investigating it! Thank you for your reports! 

2 Votes


Chloe posted 3 days ago

Please fix this, I can’t work on my house

4 Votes

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