Posted 2 days ago by NIGHTSQUID

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For the past couple of weeks, I can save an outfit, but anytime I then try to equip it on a pet it doesn't include all of the pet wear. In other words the pet outfits aren't working (at least for my sister and I).

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Night squids alt posted about 6 hours ago

hey this is Night Squid from a different account. It wouldnt let me post a video so I’m not sure how to do that but there’s the logs. What happened in the video is I saved two outfits, and the 1 petwear they had in common, the rainbow maker, didn’t load in on the first outfit once I saved the 2nd one. But I know it isn’t just that they can’t have the same item, because all my other outfits, included ones that didn’t have anything in common, wouldn’t load all the way and still wouldn’t. I can’t show you them anymore though, because I deleted all of them cause I thought maybe it would fix it. I hope this helps!

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Damien Support posted about 14 hours ago Admin

Thanks for letting me know!

I'm sorry to hear that this is happening. I have been unsuccessful at my attempt to reproduce this bug and will need more information. For anyone experiencing this issue, please provide a screen recording of you saving an outfit, and loading it on to the pets, and a screenshot of the console logs that appear after the issue occurs.

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NIGHTSQUID posted 1 day ago

Yes I know that you can't have shoes on snakes and etc. but that isn't the issue. It doesn't matter the pet or the petwear but the whole outfit won't load. It changes every time. For example when I put it on my dog the backpack won't load or the next outfit nothing will load but the shoes. It's really odd and I have no idea why it's happening.

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R1sk posted 1 day ago

I also experience this, accessories don't fully appear when we want to use them.

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Damien Support posted 1 day ago Admin

Hey there Nightsquid!

Could you please give us some more details?

  • Which pet accessories are part of the outfit?
  • What pet are you trying to equip them on?

Not all pet accessories are compatible with some pets, for example, you can't give a snake shoes! 

So, we just want to rule out that this isn't a compatibility issue.

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