
Posted 3 months ago by めずらしい

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I used to be able to play music that I searched for in my house. I think at one point when I 1st started playing with my daughter you had to use robux to search for different songs. Anyways I can no longer play any of the music that I have saved from previous searches. Whenever I select one it goes completely quiet and no music plays. Also it doesn’t allow me to search for new music either. It always tells me the severs are down and to just use the basic standard default songs. However when I go into other peoples houses or even the pizza shop sometimes they are playing other music that is not on the default songs list. Can you please fix this for me? Music is a very big deal for me and not being able to play the songs I like in my house makes the adopt me experience not as enjoyable for me. Thank you.

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Steven Zachary posted 3 months ago Admin

At this time if you do not have the DJ Gamepass you are not able to use this feature and will only be able to play the default music in the game.

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めずらしい posted 3 months ago

Ok well what are the steps or how do we play other songs that are not from the catalog now that the dj gamepass is no longer available? I I’ve been playing more for the last week or two and I’ve noticed that there are players that have them playing in there house and like I mentioned before also the pizza shop.

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Steven Zachary posted 3 months ago Admin


Unfortunately, due to a change in Roblox code, the DJ Gamepass doesn't function properly anymore.

As an apology for players who bought this pass before it was taken off of sale, we granted them the Lavender Dragon.

Thank you for your understanding!

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