More Attention for the Building Feauture

Posted about 2 months ago by Emo

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I like building and I have many ideas that could help improve this feauture for example:

Saying the amount on money you are about to spend before cloning a structure with more furniture selected it would help me

Better mechanic for advanced moving, the arrows glitch up alot 

Better mechanic for selecting multiple furniture itmes and moving them i have alot of issues w this and i keep ruining other structures from my house when i try to select something

Maybe somehow a bigger furniture limit i didnt reach mine first but id be sad if i did and didnt get to finish my glitched building

Talking of glitched buildings i hope yall never get the idea to patch them is some way i have a family house with a whole city on top of it id be sad if it j one day dissapoeared

Also i would like to be able to size mannequins/displays like make em bigger or smaller it would help with building or decorations

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