A extra idea for the new update.

Posted 2 months ago by AspensFries

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Before the update came, I thought we could just switch to the old UI and the tasks would appear at the top instead of the pet. But I just tried it, and it only applies to the buttons on the pet.

I believe I know why they couldn't put the tasks where they were again, because of the slots and new pop-up when you click on them.

But I have a concept for this!

So basically, there would be 5 task slots at the top of the screen like where the old tasks would be, and whenever you pet needs something, a task would appear there.

Or...the task slots would only appear once your pet has atleast one task.

They also have the same new pop-up when you click on them or hover!

Also, this can include the old moving bar that appears on top of pets.

I hope you can consider this!! I would like to know flaws if any, incase this solution didn't work either

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