Hack help!

Posted 18 days ago by quinnxa

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Hi! So, I’m a little stressed and worried about this. I (KawaiiArticWolfie3) recently (Nov, 27) got hacked by someone (flash_plays15), and already submitted a report and such. I got in contact with roblox, and did the adopt me thing, but my pets still aren't back. I understand things like this take time and need to be researched to make sure I’m not lying or some kid that claimed to be “hacked” when they traded their pets to an alternate account, this is not me complaining, I’m just worried, and would like to know when most people get their pets back, and/or when the process should be done and I should get them back. Thanks in advance!

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quinnxa posted 14 days ago

it should be under quinnxa, quinnxa2, or my roblox username, KawaiiArticWolfie3

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Steven Zachary posted 14 days ago Admin

Can you please let me know the username you are using on our live chat, as it appears that I cannot find a chat under quinnxa

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quinnxa posted 16 days ago

I have! The last message was something (i think) about them looking into it. (If another comment like this was posted already, read that as well just incase)

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Steven Zachary posted 16 days ago Admin

Hey quinnxa,

Have you started a live chat with our agents over at playadopt.me/support

This needs to be done in order for us to be able to assist further. 

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