Advent Calendar

Posted 15 days ago by Matt

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My son spent all day yesterday playing until about 8pm as we was on a train travelling. The advent calendar stated it was time the whole time he played. Now today when he got in from school it day 2 and the first one is boarded up. 

I’ve seen a few posts and you state the times etc but he played till late with this issue yesterday and as of 4pm today door 1 was blocked and door 2 could be opened. He’s saying he’ll now miss out on his reward for opening them all. 

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Steven Zachary posted 14 days ago Admin

Hey Matt!

I am sorry to hear that this has occurred with your son.

While we are unable to reopen the Day 1 door, I am happy to let you know that the reward for opening doors only requires 20 doors as opposed to 25.

Hoping this helps!

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