Lost all my data!

Posted 5 days ago by Mathier

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I lost access to my account years ago, Im not sure how long ago and i just recently got it back. I thought that i was gonna be met with nostalgia and extremely looking forward but nope, everything is gone. Its just like if i were to join for the first time. I believe this means my data was wiped, or lost due to a bug? I really REALLY hope that it is retrievable. If its not I would like to know, I just really need closure like im obsessed I cant stop wondering about wether I will ever get it back or not, no one has been able to tell me wether it is possible or not no matter how much I nagged and reached out so now Im here, please help me!

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Steven Zachary posted 1 day ago Admin

Hey Mathier!

Unfortunately, due to the amount of time that has passed, we no longer have access to the data from when your account was lost. As such, we are not able to assist further.

I do understand that this isn't the answer you were hoping for, however, I greatly appreciate your understanding! 

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