Trading bug, please take notice and action against it immediatley.

Posted 3 months ago by Violeta

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Sear adopt me team or whoever, i was playing with my friend and we were trading, when we went to trade back i did the trade and acceoted and everything, but my friend never got the items back, theyre not in his inventory and theyre not in my inventory. 


Please fix this, my friend needs his pets back, or something to make up for this bug?

Hope to hear from you soon, fellow adopt me player

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Steven Zachary posted 3 months ago Admin

Hey Violeta!

Based on the information shown, it appears the items were traded to a username similar to your friend (in this case, the M and X are swapped).

For future reference, I recommend keeping the following in mind:
- Check for the smiley face icon next to your friend's name in the trade window. This indicates that they are on your friends list. If it is not there, you may be trading with someone else.

- If someone is approaching you asking you to prove you are a trustworthy person by getting a friend or family member, they are likely intending to impersonate and scam you. We recommend reporting their profile and leaving ASAP

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